Why Real Estate
Invest In Indian Real Estate
The Indian economy has witnessed a paradigm shift since the last decade and is on a robust growth trajectory. Today, the Indian economy boasts a stable annual growth rate, booming capital markets, and rising foreign exchange reserves.Despite infra-structural deficiencies, and bureaucratic hassles, India presents an optimistic scope for overseas investment and is taking necessary steps to attract more foreign investors. No business, irrespective of its size, that is aiming to become a global player can afford to ignore the Indian market.
7 Reasons to Invest in India
Here are at least seven reasons why India is a seriously compelling story for investors:1. Size of India
India's GDP is currently US$1.3 trillion, making it the 8th largest economy in the world. However, in PPP terms, which recognises India's low cost base, the GDP notionally rises to three times this amount (US$3.8 trillion) which places it on a similar size to Japan and, by 2013, it will become the third largest economy in the world (after the USA and China) in PPP terms. However, despite representing 7.5% of Global GDP (on a PPP basis) in 2010, India attracts less than 0.5% of investment inflows. An anomaly which is unlikely to continue for much longer!
2. Economic growth
India's economy is currently growing by 8.75% per annum (in 2010) and this GDP growth rate is expected to increase to 9% - 10% per annum for each of the next 10 years. India's GDP will grow five times in the next 20 years, and GDP per capita will almost quadruple.
3. Diversity
The Indian economy offers investors exposure to a wide range of opportunities from consumer goods and pharmaceuticals to infrastructure, energy and agriculture. With its strong services sector (comprising 50% of India's economy), particularly in knowledge-based services (IT, software and business services) India has proved that industrialisation and the export of commodities and resources is not the only path to rapid economic development.
4. Demographics
India is one of the youngest countries in the world, with an average age of 25 and likely to get younger. India's working-age population will increase by 240 million over the next 20 years. With a population of 1.2 billion, a strong work ethic, high levels of education, democracy, English language skills and an entrepreneurial culture, India is poised to dominate the global economy in the next 20 years.
5. High Savings
With a savings rate of 37% of GDP, India's domestic savings fuels most of its investment requirements, and only 20% of India's total public debt is sourced from foreign borrowing. With significant investment to be made in upgrading India's poor infrastructure in the next 10 years (estimated to be US$1.7 trillion) India's Government is taking various steps to further encourage private and foreign investments.
India's domestic consumption, generally led by the private sector, has played a significant role in India's growth and is expected to remain firm as more people enter the workforce and the emerging middle classes. India's wealthiest consumers (those earning US$1m or more in PPP terms) will increase by 40 million in the next 10 years! Every sector within India's consumer market is booming, making India far less vulnerable to external shocks and pressures than other emerging markets.
7. A robust financial sector
India has a robust, diversified and well regulated financial system which has allowed it to weather the global financial crisis without any major difficulties and present an image of quality, resilience and transparency. India's banking sector is strong, with top quality balance sheets, high levels of competition (there are around 80 banks in India) and strong corporate governance. Equally strong is the Indian Equity market also.